New! American Periodical Series Online

American Periodicals Series Online 1740-1900 is now available in dCompass

APS contains digitized images of the pages of American magazines and
journals that originated between 1741 and 1900. It is derived from the
American Periodicals Series microform collection, and features over 1,100
periodicals. Titles range from America’s first scientific journal, Medical
Repository, to popular magazines like Vanity Fair and Ladies’ Home Journal.

Most Used Databases

Today we gave some basic instruction to students in HDFS 225 and EN 104 on how to find articles for their research assignment.

In the end I hope students know they should go to the Library’s homepage at
Library Home Page and click “Most Used Databases” on the far left to get to the most used databases that house full-text journal articles. The library has subscriptions to over 240 databases but the link for “All Databases” will get them to the whole list of library database.

Shortcuts to Most Used Databases

Safari Online Books Down for Maintenance

This weekend our Database access to Safari Online books will be unavailable from late Friday night until Sunday morning.

Safari will be performing scheduled maintenance on their core systems from
3:00 a.m. EST Saturday, September 18th to 9:00 a.m. EST Sunday, September
19th, 2004. During this time, users will be directed to a Down for
Maintenance page, instead of the usual Safari pages.