The University now offers access to RefWorks

What is RefWorks?

RefWorks is a web-based bibliographic management program which allows you to:

  • Create a personal database of citations from journal articles, books, book chapters or other sources
  • Automatically generate a bibliography (works cited page) in APA, MLA, or other bibliographic styles in MS Word after downloading the RefWorks Write-N-Cite plugin
  • Export search results from the UConn Libraries’ research databases directly to RefWorks
  • Link to the full text of online articles from your RefWorks database using the ‘UConn Links’ button
  • Share your RefWorks database with others using RefShare

Go to create your account.

HOMER (library catalog) Alternatives

You may have experienced difficulties accessing HOMER, the Libraries’ online catalog, over the past few days.
The problems have been sporadic and unevenly distributed across the Storrs and the regional campuses, so you may or may not have encountered problems connecting to HOMER.

If you experience difficulties connecting to HOMER, the following link leads to a brief list of library catalogs to serve as alternatives. While none of these catalogs replaces HOMER, you can use them to help identify materials:

Alternatively, we would be happy to help you with additional strategies for finding the materials you need.

HOMER Library catalog access unavailable~10/30

Update: 1:20 pm,HOMER is operational again, you may still experience some slowness.

The Libraries Catalog, HOMER is currently down due to some technical issues. The problem has been reported and we will alert you when the catalog is running smoothly. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

Try iCONN, the CT digital library catalog to search for books.

Self Check Out arrives at the Jeremy Richard Library

The University of Connecticut Stamford Campus Library now offers the self-check service, an extension of a similar service found at the main campus library at Storrs.  All five regional campus libraries now have Self Check (see image) in a version slightly different than the one in use at the main campus in Storrs.

The new self check workstation, located at the far end of the circulation desk, provides you with the option of checking-out materials on your own using your active university ID. This service will allow you the convenience of faster checkouts when the library staff are busy.


1. Swipe Husky One Card on Keyboard
-Type in Last name

2. Scan the book barcode (located inside pocket)
-Click Finished when all items are scanned

3. Place Due date Card in pocket


Questions? Problems? Please ask for assistance at the Circulation Desk.


UConn Stamford Writing Program~ Faculty Workshop

The UConn Stamford Writing Program presents:  Faculty Development Workshop:
Working with ESL Writers

Monday, Oct. 29
Time: 12:30-1:30
Location: Thomson e-Classroom

All welcome! Any questions? Please send an email to serkan.gorkemli ‘at’


Serkan Gorkemli
Assistant Professor
Coordinator of Writing and Composition

Department of English
University of Connecticut, Stamford
One University Place
Stamford, CT 06901
Office 203-251-9585
Fax 203-251-9534 

November/December Issue of the Grapevine is now available

The November/December Issue of the Grapevine is now available. You can find it posted around campus, or on the web at:

Be sure to check the Grapevine monthly for important announcements and campus events.

In this issue of the Grapevine you will find:

  • Nov/Dec Calendar of Events
  • Tuition deadlines
  • Human Rights, Gender and International relations Lecture by Rebekka Friedman from Brandeis University
  • Upcoming: Ice Skating, Thanksgiving Dinner
  • Center for Judaic Studies Events
  • The SOURCE Writing Workshops
  • The Center for Women’s Studies Events and Information on the Women’s Studies Minor Information, Intersession and Spring Course offerings
  • The Cloisters trip to NYC
  • Faculty Colloquium Series
  • Stamford Campus Scholarships
  • Amnesty International Annual Holiday Card Action
  • Upcoming Movies

International War Crimes Lawyers To Speak on Darfur Crisis at UConn Stamford Campus ~Oct. 24

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 7 PM Wanda Akin and Raymond Brown will speak at the University of Connecticut Stamford Campus on the courage and initiative of Darfur survivors daring to testify before the world about Crimes against Humanity.  Their talk, “Women Acting for Peace and Justice in Darfur,”  will be followed by conversation with Sudanese refugees from the Darfur Rehabilitation Project in Newark, NJ. 

   Wanda Akin and Raymond Brown have filed twenty-six witness applications from refugees with first-hand knowledge of the brutal ethnic cleansing campaign and systematic rape  on-going in Sudan. They continue to interview potential witnesses. Only twenty-six US lawyers are certified to represent witnesses at the ICC.

    Akin and Brown have criticized international court rules that discourage testimony from improverished witnesses and have a called for stronger measures to shield the identities of rape victims.    

    Akin and Brown served as counsel in the international war crimes trials at the Special Court for Sierra Leone in 2004 and also consulted with the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. They teach international law at Seton Hall University and practice litigation in the US. Wanda Akin appears frequently on Court TV, MSNBC and at conferences on international law. Raymond Brown is host of the Emmy-Award winning New Jersey (TV) Network program, “Due Process” exploring topics such as the Death Penalty, Domestic Violence, adoption, and race and class in the justice system. He also anchored Court TV coverage of the war crimes trial in the Former Yugoslavia.

    Both Akin and Brown regularly speak at public programs around the nation on human rights law, African American policy goals, leadership, and youth mobilization with other public intellectuals such as Cornel West, Tavis Smiley and Darlene Clark Hines. 

    The DRP, a non-profit group formed by Darfur exiles and their supporters raises awareness about Darfur with presentations to community groups throughout the tri-state area and state and federal officials. It sponsored a fact-finding trip to refugee camps in Chad in summer 2005, and hosted a national meeting of Darfur refugees in the US in Newark in fall 2005.

    This event is one of a series in Days for Darfur, October 12-24 organized by the Darfur Support Coalition of Fairfield County and co-sponsored by a dozen local organization to increase awareness about the atrocities in Darfur and mobilize Fairfield County residents to take action. For more information contact,, call 203.329.1919, or go to:

UConn Stamford staff and students — contact –


Access: Victims Rights Working Group Bulletin, Autumn 2007 –interview with Wanda Akin & Raymond Brown  (page 7 and front page)

Darfur Rehabilitation Project call for testimony:

International Criminal Court Counsel list

Wanda Akin and Raymond Brown homepage: