Writing Workshops Schedule


The UConn Stamford Writing Center offers WRITING WORKSHOPS
in the Library’s ground floor conference room or eClassroom depending on participation.

  • Plagiarism & Academic Integrity: September 8th & 10th
  • Brainstorming & Thesis Statement Development: September 22nd & 24th
  • Organization & the Craft of Revision: October 6th & 8th
  • Grammar & Sentence Mechanics: October 20th & 22nd
  • Using and Quoting Sources: MLA: November 3rd & 5th
  • Using & Quoting Sources: APA:November 17th & 19th
  • Written Test Taking Strategies: December 1st & 3rd

For more info, contact: Melissa Mulins, Assistant Cordinator of Writing at: melissa.mullins@uconn.edu

Writing Center November Workshops: MLA Citation & Documentation Workshop

Location: In the 1st floor Conference Room of the Jeremy Richards

Monday, November 3rd: 2-3 pm
Wednesday, November 5th: 4-5 pm

We will go over the basics of citing and formatting papers using MLA.
Feel free to bring in current work on which to practice!

For more information, contact:
Melissa Mullins
Assistant Coordinator of Writing & Composition

RefWork Workshops offered in March


The Jeremy Richard Library (JRL) will be offering several RefWorks workshops in March.
(March 3rd, 4th, 5th, 24th & 25th)
Register for a class:  http://www.lib.uconn.edu/using/tutorials/workshop/#68

 You Learn how to:

  • Create a personal RefWorks library of references by directly exporting search results from popular journal research databases;
  • Search within your RefWorks library and keep references organized with folders;
  • Generate a quick bibliography of references in APA, MLA or other bibliographic style.

Don’t have time for a workshop? Then check out these Refworks Tutorials