Summer Flooring Project Blog 2

Day 2 … Starting today, Wednesday May 22, after the staff of Bookworms closes their counters and put away their coffee urns (3 PM), work will begin on dismantling the Bookworms space. Bookworms, the 24 hr. study space, the TV room and the restrooms will not be available until around June 12. The flooring company will be ripping up the old vinyl tile and installing a new tile with a new, more vibrant color scheme. Access to the Class of 1947 Room will be through the South Entrance only.

Meanwhile, work continues on the bathrooms on level 4. In a couple days they will be dropping down to level 3 to start the demolition of those bathrooms. The work in the bathrooms is a wee bit loud, but the on the brighter side, it doesn’t take them very long to rip up a bathroom floor.

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