UConn Stamford Campus Helps to Build the Mill River Playground

Please join UConn Stamford students enrolled in the INTD 198 course, “Civic Engagement,” in volunteering to build the Mill River Playground on Sunday, May 21. That day has been designated, “UConn Stamford Campus Day,” by the organizers of the event. The new playground will be built by volunteers during the period May 15-21. The playground is located at Mill River Park (Tresser Blvd at West Main Street), and is just a few blocks from our campus.

Volunteers will be needed from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m., in two-hour shifts. They are looking for “skilled” volunteers (i.e. can cut a straight line with a circular saw; familiar with power tools, measuring and cutting), and “unskilled” volunteers (i.e. carrying, assembling, sanding,
shoveling, carpenter’s helper). FREE food will be provided to all volunteers and childcare will be provided. FREE t-shirts will be given to all UConn Stamford Campus volunteers at the May 21 event.

Students in the INTD 198 course will be signing-up volunteers in the campus concourse beginning on April 5. They will also be engaging in other activities to recruit volunteers, which include all students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends associated with the UConn Stamford
Campus. You must be at least 14 years of age to volunteer for “unskilled” activities.

For more information about the Mill River Playground, please see
www.millriverplayround.com (link)



CiteULike is a free service to help academics to share, store, and organise the academic papers they are reading. When you see a paper on the web that interests you, you can click one button and have it added to your personal library. CiteULike automatically extracts the citation details, so there’s no need to type them in yourself. It all works from within your web browser. There’s no need to install any special software.

African Drumming w/ Edwina Tyler, 3/30

A Workshop in African Drumming

Thursday, March 30th– 2:30-4:50 with a break at 3:30 in the Barbara E. Schreiber Reading Room.

Tyler is one of the leading masters in the field of African percussion and dance! She has pioneered the playing of traditional African percussion instruments by women in the United States.

Tyler’s appearances include: Alice Tully Hall, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Dance Theatre Workshop, La Mama E.T.C., The Michigan Festival. She has toured throughout Europe, Africa, and Korea. She was director
of percussion studies at Dance Theatre of Harlem.

Sponsored by SGA, Student Life, and the Center for Women’s Studies

RSS Feeds for APA Journals

To subscribe to APA.org RSS feeds, you must have an online or desktop RSS news reader installed on your computer. When new content is published to an RSS-enabled page, it is automatically sent to your RSS reader without requiring you to revisit the page.
View All APA’s RSS Feeds

Journals of interest: Families, Systems, & Health; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Applied Psychology; Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology;

Pleae note: Free Fulltext access won’t be directly available from the APA website, unless you want to purchase the article. Students and Faculty should check the Uconn Libraries Databases, Citation Linker(SFX) or Ejournal locator from the libraries home page or from Home Access via VPN to search for the fulltext of the article using the citation information that you are given.

EBSCOhost offers RSS feeds

EBSCO now offers the option to create RSS feeds for search and journal alerts. However, its a tedious process to generate and save these feeds. Here are the steps below:

1. Login to you My EBSCOhost account, or register for one if you don’t already have one.
2. Do a search on your topic and click the Search History/Alerts tab
3. Follow the steps like you’re creating an e-mail search alert.
4. When you get to the Email Options, you select No e-mail (RSS only) so that when you save the alert, you get the RSS feed URL to add to your own reader.
5. It’s the same procedure for creating a journal alert, you can’t get the feed until you’ve signed in to My EBSCOhost.

Maybe in the next upgrade EBSCO will make it easier to capture an RSS feed directly off the search results page.

UCONN Database: EBSCOhost

UConn Stamford- Dr. Harvey Gotliffe Lecture, 3/29

The Center for Judaic and Middle Eastern Studies and the Office of the Associate Vice Provost are co-sponsoring a presentation by Dr. Harvey Gotliffe, Professor of Journalism and Mass Communications, San Jose State University. It will be held on Wednesday, March 29, at 7:30 p.m., in the Gen Re Auditorium.

The title of his lecture, “LESSONS LEARNED: HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS AND JAPANESE AMERICAN INTERNEES,” is based upon Dr. Gotliffe’s research with the Holocaust Survivors Group and the Japanese-American internment camp detainees in Northern California. You can find more specific details about Dr. Gotliffe’s academic and scholarly background on the website: