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About PB

Library Director and Undergraduate Education Librarian at the UConn Stamford Campus - Jeremy Richard Library.

eBooks on EBSCOhost Platform

eBooks and Audiobooks are now searchable on the EBSCOhost platform, providing a single source for discovering journal and book content. Noteworthy eBook features include:

•Search and view eBooks on the EBSCOhost platform
•Browse eBooks by subject area and by latest added to your library’s collection
•View eBook Table of Contents from search Result List
•Navigate to eBook chapters or sections directly from Result List and Detail Record

•Search within an eBook for specific terms, yielding a list of hyperlinked pages
•Create notes that are associated to eBook pages
•Optional download capabilities and user-selected checkout duration
•For eBooks with a limited number of users, place a hold and view your place in line

Learn more about Downloading eBooks (Tutorial)
( Adobe Digital Editions must be installed on your computer in order to read downloaded eBooks. Digital Editions is a free download and available from the Adobe website.)

Faculty, New Reserve Requests now made from within HuskyCT

The UConn Library switched to a new software provider to support our course reserve function. You need to do these three things to get started with the new system.

1.Request your HuskyCT course in PeopleSoft if you have not already done so.

2.Once your HuskyCT course is available to you, you must add the new Library Resources content link. If the old Library Resources Tool is present we suggest you rename it Library Resources – old prior to adding the new link.

3.Submit any new reserve requests for books and media, chapter and journal articles, etc. from within HuskyCT via the Add Reserve items link in the new Library Resources.

For more information and short videos and PowerPoints showing you how to use the new system go to this website:


For a period of about two weeks after 7/26/11, you will also see the old link to the Library Resources Tool. During this transition period summer session students will be able to access your library materials from both the new Library Resources content link and the old Library Resources Tool unless you choose to hide the old link.

The new software has several advantages for you over the old:

1.You can set start and end dates for when you want each item to be available to students.

2.You can tag items of special interest, e.g. all the readings that will be on Exam 1 can be tagged, “Exam 1” and your students will be able to sort by those tags. They will also be able to add their own personal tags.

3.You don’t have to go to a separate website to submit reserve requests, the request forms are embedded within the new Library Resources link in HuskyCT.

4.You can see the status of all items you have requested the library to provide from the time you submit your request until they are available to your students.

5.You can see your past reserve lists and copy items you used in past semesters to courses in current semesters, individually or en masse.

6.You can submit requests via WorldCat and it will complete the reserve request forms for you. No more retyping bibiliographic information for catalogued items.

7.You can see how many times each reserve item was accessed and which student accessed it.

8.Your students can choose to receive emails when new items are added to your reserve list.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Jo Ann Reynolds or your campus reserve staff if you have questions about the new system.

Library Renovations to Begin Monday 7/11/11

A new look for a new year is coming to the Jeremy Richard Library! Major renovations to the library’s first floor begin Monday, July 11th through mid-August. Renovations will touch all public areas of the library excluding the Library Services Desk. The first floor will be dramatically redesigned to accommodate a new Collaboration and Learning Commons that will include…

–      Relocation of the computer lab to the first floor of the library including staff

–      Additional power outlets

–      New furniture and collaboration space

–      An enclosed quiet study area on the first floor

–      Wall enclosure for the Source for Active Learning (Writing Center/Tutoring)

The library will remain open during the renovations and directional signage will be posted for library users. The library’s elevator and bathroom will not be accessible during this renovation period.  Library users will need to use the restrooms that are near the Fitness Center. We’ve moved several machines around to accommodate users during this project.

Remaining on the FIRST Floor will be:
– 4 computers
– Printer
– Photocopier
– BookScan Station
– Newspapers/Magazines

Relocated to the SECOND Floor:
– 5 computers
– lounge seating (purple/blue chairs)