Get Your Student IDs for Spring ’08 Semester (Registrar)

The Registrar’s office will have hours for Student’s to get their Husky One Cards starting Tuesday, January 29, 2008. Hours: 
Tuesday thru Thursday  –9:00 a.m. to 12 (Noon) AND   1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Get  your card soon if you haven’t done so. Please note that access to library resources ( reserves, printing, photocopying and checking out books) require a UConn Student ID card.

NetID and other network connectivity issues today

UITS is experiencing network connectivity issues that is resulting in services (like Peoplesoft) not being available to students and faculty. See their message below:

Message from UITS

UPDATE (1/8/2008 – 7:28am): As of 7:00AM, we are experiencing network connectivity issues that have resulted in some services not being available (i.e., Exchange. NetID Admin, Citrix, Brio …). Technicians are currently working on the problem. There is no estimated timetable for this issue to be resolved.

UITS Systems’ Status

Friday Shuttle Bus Service -12/14

The UConn Stamford Shuttle Bus Service will be operating on Friday, December 14, 2007, to accommodate faculty, staff and students who will be involved with final exam make-ups. The shuttle bus will begin service at 7:00 a.m., and will conclude its run to the Stamford Train Station at 9:00 p.m.

Library Closing @ 1:00 Dec. 13th

The Jeremy Richard Library and the UConn Stamford Campus will be closing at 1:00 pm. Regional Campus Libraries are closing early today as well.

@11:30 Torrington
@Noon -Greater Hartford, Waterbury
@12:30 -Avery Point
@1:00 -Stamford

The Homer Babbidge Library (Storrs Hours) will remain open throughout the day and night, as scheduled.



Final Exams (Undergraduate Programs) – Thursday, December 13

The weather predictions for tomorrow, Thursday, December 13, 2007, forecast snow showers beginning as early as the morning period.
If these predictions turn out be accurate, then there is a possibility that the UConn Stamford Campus will have a delayed start or will be closed for part or the entire day.   Since final exams are scheduled throughout the day on Thursday, a contingency plan has been established, as follows:


Please check the “Emergency Closures” link on the UConn Stamford website ( to find out if the campus is open or closed tomorrow. 


Lecture: Human Rights, Gender and International Relations

Come and hear a talk by Rebekka Friedman of Brandeis University on Human Rights, Gender and International Relations. 

When: 1:00 pm, Saturday, December 1, 2007

Where: Room, 1.29, UConn Stamford Campus

Questions? sponsored by Prof. Eugene Kogan at eugene.kogan “at”

Her lecture will address two major issues. First, she will present gendered approaches to International Relations and why the feminist critique came relatively late to the discipline. Second, she will discuss international human rights law’s protection of women from violations during wartime and peacetime. Specifically, she will look at how international law’s treatment of rape during war evolved in response to the wars in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, and how these rulings were incorporated into the ICC. Ms. Friedman will conclude with an analysis of how international law has progressed in protecting women’s human rights during wartime and peacetime and what obstacles remain.

HOMER (library catalog) Alternatives

You may have experienced difficulties accessing HOMER, the Libraries’ online catalog, over the past few days.
The problems have been sporadic and unevenly distributed across the Storrs and the regional campuses, so you may or may not have encountered problems connecting to HOMER.

If you experience difficulties connecting to HOMER, the following link leads to a brief list of library catalogs to serve as alternatives. While none of these catalogs replaces HOMER, you can use them to help identify materials:

Alternatively, we would be happy to help you with additional strategies for finding the materials you need.

Self Check Out arrives at the Jeremy Richard Library

The University of Connecticut Stamford Campus Library now offers the self-check service, an extension of a similar service found at the main campus library at Storrs.  All five regional campus libraries now have Self Check (see image) in a version slightly different than the one in use at the main campus in Storrs.

The new self check workstation, located at the far end of the circulation desk, provides you with the option of checking-out materials on your own using your active university ID. This service will allow you the convenience of faster checkouts when the library staff are busy.


1. Swipe Husky One Card on Keyboard
-Type in Last name

2. Scan the book barcode (located inside pocket)
-Click Finished when all items are scanned

3. Place Due date Card in pocket


Questions? Problems? Please ask for assistance at the Circulation Desk.