Native Connecticut Residents with Bachelor’s, Graduate, or Professional Degrees

By: Heather Ewry

In the state of Connecticut, the number of people born in-state who went on to get a bachelor’s, graduate, or professional degree made up a sizable fraction of the people who possessed one of those degrees during the years 2012 and 2013, though they made up a much smaller percentage of the Connecticut population as a whole. In 2012, these people were approximately 77% of the state’s degree holders fell within this category while making up just 14% of the state’s total population. In 2013, both of these percentages increased: now, native Connecticut residents with bachelor’s, graduate, or professional degrees made up 78% of its degree holders while making up approximately 15% of the entire population within the state.

The provided tables and charts break these percentages down by county and year. Interestingly, though the total percentage for the state went up, the county breakdown reveals that this increase was not necessarily reflected by the individual counties. Middlesex County, for example, saw a 3% increase in the number of native Connecticut residents who possessed bachelor’s degrees but a 1% decrease in the number native Connecticut residents who possessed graduate or professional degrees instead. Windham County, on the other hand, saw a 4% increase in the number of native Connecticut residents with bachelor’s degrees as well as a 1% increase in those with graduate or professional degrees.

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