Data from the 2013 Annual Survey of Public Pensions

This visualization uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2013 Annual Survey of Public Pensions State-Administered Defined Benefit Pensions Systems downloaded from American FactFinder. The thematic map indicates the ratio of pension obligations to each state’s total cash and investment holdings in its state-run public pension system at the close of fiscal year 2013. Bar graphs indicate FY13 pension fund net investment earnings, and overall pension fund investments by category (i.e. stocks, Treasury bonds, etc). Locally administered (e.g. municipal) public pension data is excluded from the graphs.

[xyz-ihs snippet=”Annual-Survey-of-Public-Pensions”]

State Government Tax Collections 2014

States have remarkably diverse approaches to taxes; the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections collects data on revenue derived from five tax categories for 2014: Income taxes, Property taxes, License taxes, Sales and gross receipts taxes, and Other taxes. This visualization compares the relevant importance of each of these categories in contributing to the tax base of each state.

[xyz-ihs snippet=”State-government-tax-base-2014″]

Unlocking the Potential of Public Data Workshop – June 25, 2015

The Connecticut Data Collaborative and the Connecticut State Data Center are hosting the Unlocking the Potential of Public Data workshop. The workshop will include engaging sessions, training, and discussions on public data in Connecticut and will be held on June 25, 2015.

“Unlocking the Potential of Public Data”
June 25, 2015
UConn Graduate Business Learning Center
Hartford, CT
8:00am to 12:30pm
This event is free to attend and registration is required to attend as space is limited. Registration is closed as we have reached the total number of participants we can accommodate for the facility. Stay tuned for a fall conference announcement.
8:00-8:30 Registration
8:30-8:35 Welcome
8:35-9:05 Confused about the different data resources available in the state? This session will include representatives from various organizations across the state who will explain their organization and the data that can be found on each respective site9:15-10:00 Session 1:

  • Have you ever wondered what the difference is between the 1-year, 3-year, and 5- year Census American Community Survey? Come get all your questions answered about using Census data from a Census representative expert.
  • The Surprisingly Subtle Art of Acquiring Public Data from Public Agencies.
  • hands-on training/workshop in a computer lab

10:15-11:00 Session 2:

  • Beyond the ACS – what other census data is available for policymakers and decision makers? Learn more about the economic census, Longitudinal Employer and Household Dynamics (LEHD), and more.
  • hands-on training/workshop in a computer lab

11:15-12 Ever wondered where to find agency data or wonder if it is available publicly? What initiatives are underway or planned at state agencies for improving data access?
12-12:30 Lightning Session: Transportation Hub (t-HUB) Project and CT Crash Repository,

If you have trouble registering, please email