Night Owl/Early Bird Study Space

night owl early bird logoToday members of UConn’s Undergraduate Student Government joined us to help open up the new ‘Night Owl/Early Bird Study Space’ in Homer Babbidge Library. Located on the Plaza, the space will serve as a quiet study space for students when the building is closed. Accessible through the current Plaza 24-7 Quiet Study Room, the hours for the semester include:

Monday-Friday – 1am-7:30am
Friday  – 8pm-10am Saturday
Saturday – 8pm-10am Sunday


USG President Rachel Conboy and member Tim Lim.

The additional space is the result of ongoing coordination with UConn’s Undergraduate Student Government to help improve library services for students. Of particular interest was access to quiet study space overnight. “By converting our staff lounge during times when it isn’t being used, we are able to open up another 50 seats for quiet study when the library is closed,” noted Vice Provost Martha Bedard.

Joining us for the ribbon cutting was USG President Rachel Conboy and member Tim Lim. Tim was instrumental in advocating for the room as the former chair of the Academic Services Committee.

TIm Lim; Rachel Conboy; David Avery, Facilities Manager; Martha Bedard, Vice Provost

TIm Lim; Rachel Conboy; David Avery, Facilities Manager; Martha Bedard, Vice Provost

In addition to the space, we have also added a printing station in the Bookworms Cafe, which will also be accessible for 24-7 use. Use is the same as all other Husky Print locations.

Check them out and let us know what you think!