Distribution of Hispanic or Latino Population by Specific Origin in Connecticut Census Tracts: 2010

This data visualization shows the specific origins of people within Hispanic & Latino populations in Connecticut Census tracts, based on published 2010 Census data. This project is modeled on a visualization created by the Census Bureau which shows the distribution of persons of specific Hispanic/Latino origins across U.S. counties; the map below instead can display what percentage of the Hispanic population in a particular Census tract is of Puerto Rican, or Mexican, origins, for example. The data are taken from 2010 Census table PCT11 for Census Tracts (see link in the tooltip when hovering over the map to see original data for any Census Tract in American FactFinder), and are originally derived from part 8 of the 2010 Census questionnaire.

[xyz-ihs snippet=”Hispanic-Origins-in-CT-Census-Tracts”]

CT GIS User Network Meeting – September 12th

The Connecticut GIS User Network is hosting a meeting at the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority in New Haven, CT on Friday September 12, 2014. This meeting is open to the public (no registration is required) and will feature presentations on applications of GIS and provides a great venue to share ideas and network with other GIS professionals from across the state. Included below is the agenda for this meeting.

Agenda for Friday September 12, 2014 CT GIS User Network Meeting

8:45 Network
9:15 Opening and updates to User Network (looking for members, update to membership, bi-laws updates, 501c, etc.)
9:40 ESRI -Alfredo Frauenfelder
10:00 Census Bureau – David Kraiker
10:20 BREAK
10:30 Latitude Graphics – Michael Funaro
10:50 CT Association of Floodplain Managers-Introduction/Q&A
11:10 Drone Law Journal – Peter Sachs
11:30 Town of South Windsor Drone – Jubenal Gonzalez
11:50 Closing


Meeting location:

South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority
90 Sargent Dr.
New Haven, CT

For more details on this event and to signup for the GIS User to User Network Listserv visit: http://ctgis.uconn.edu/

Hope to see you there!