Monthly Archives: March 2012
2010 Census Urban Areas Now Available
On Monday, March 26, 2012, the Census Bureau announced the list of urbanized areas and urban clusters defined on the basis of the 2010 Census. The official announcement occurred via the Federal Register, with the notice providing lists of urbanized areas and urban clusters and their respective 2010 Census populations.
In conjunction with the announcement, the Census Bureau’s Geography Division released the following items:
- Lists of urbanized areas and urban clusters with 2010 population, land area, and population density;
- Urbanized area/urban cluster TIGER/Line shapefiles
- Updated 2010 census block shapefiles with urban/rural flag and urban area code
- Files providing relationships between urbanized areas/urban clusters and counties, places, county subdivisions, ZCTAs, and metro/micro areas;
- A 2010 urban area to 2000 urban area relationship file;
- Census 2000 to 2010 Census population and land area change for urbanized areas
- Urban/rural population by state
- Urban/rural population by county
- Thematic maps:
- Distribution of urbanized areas and urban clusters
- New urbanized areas
- Percentage of population that is urban by county
- Percentage of population in urbanized areas by county
- Ten most populous urbanized areas

These items and other information about the Census Bureau urban-rural classification and urban area delineations can be found on the Census Bureau’s website at
For details an overview of the urban areas data release, view the U.S. Census Press Release.
Using ArcGIS Online to Create and Share Interactive Web Maps — CLEAR workshop on June 7, 2012
2012 Northeast Arc Users Group Conference – Call for Proposals
Call for PresentationsThe Northeast Arc Users Group will hold its 27th Annual Conference, November 11-14, 2012 at the Samoset Resort in Rockland, Maine.
The 2012 NEARC conference will feature keynote sessions, vendor demonstrations, poster displays and over 60 technical workshops and user presentations. The conference is expected to attract over 500 users of Geographic Information System software including urban and regional planners, educators, natural resource managers, utility professionals and government agencies that use geographic information to help with decision-making and problem-solving on a daily basis.
- Public Safety
- Municipal
- Education
- Emerging Technologies/IT
- Natural Resources
- Mobile Technology
- Facilities
- Presentations cannot market specific products and services.
- Abstracts should be 150-200 words.
- Presenters must register and pay to attend the conference at regular conference fees.
- Deadline has been extended until June 1, 2012
- Questions? Contact Brett Horr, Program Chair at
For additional details on the NEARC 2012 conference visit:
Connecticut GIS User to User Network Meeting – Friday March 30 at UConn Greater Hartford and Online!
Looking to network with other GIS users in Connecticut? Want to know about the next steps for the Connecticut Geospatial Council?
Attend the Connecticut GIS User to User Network Meeting on March 30, 2012!
The Connecticut GIS User to User Network will hold their Spring Quarterly Meeting on Friday, March 30, 2012 at the University of Connecticut, Greater Hartford Campus at 85 Lawler Road West Hartford, Connecticut in room 104 of the Hi-Tech Classroom Building (HITC) [View Campus Map].
The meeting will start with networking opportunities at 8:30 AM and the first presentation will begin promptly at 9:00 AM. Among the presenters and presentations will be Mr. Tyler Kleykamp from the State Office of Policy and Management. He will be speaking on the recent Governor’s Bill Number 5027 regarding the impacts on the Connecticut Geospatial Council and future plans regarding GIS in the State of Connecticut.
Virtual Attendance via Live Stream!
For those of you unable to physically attend the meeting, you can attend this meeting virtually! To attend this meeting virtually please register via the link below. Participants registering for the virtual stream will be sent an email one day prior to the event with connection details and users will also be able to ask questions virtually.
Register Here for Virtual Meeting
Parking is available in the parking lot on Trout Brook Road [Map]
View the Live Stream at: or via the video window below. The live stream will begin at 9:00am on Friday March 30, 2012 and will end by 12:00pm.
Connecticut GeoFocus Newsletter – Spring 2012 Edition
The latest issue of the Connecticut GeoFocus newsletter is now available and includes the following topics:
GIS Legislation
South Windsor GIS and Web Technologies
GEO Tidbits
Lightning Mapper
National Alliance for Public Safety GIS Foundation
Solar Flares
National Electric Generation Siting Study
WISE Mission Catalog of Infrared Space
Geologic Mapping
Previous issues of Connecticut Geo-Focus are available at:
2012 Harvard CGA Conference: Re-mapping Africa in GIS: From Humanities to Health: March 29-30, 2012
This two-day conference, to be held on March 29-30, 2012, brings together scholars on GIS and Africa to share their knowledge and experiences; to explore the potential of geospatial methods in the social sciences, further humanities scholarship by critically engaging GIS methods, and promote interdisciplinary collaborative research in health and humanities in the continent of Africa. WorldMap training and demo are offered on March 29. Keynote address by Patrick Vinck “Putting Peace on the Map,” lightning talks, and panel discussion will be on March 30. To view details and register:
- Fisher Prize for Excellence in GIS
- Davis Center Prize in Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies
‘GIS & Spatial Thinking in the Undergraduate Curriculum’ conference at Bucknell University November 16-18, 2012
- What: Workshop on current challenges and emerging opportunities in GIS and spatial analysis in undergraduate teaching and research
- When: November 16-18, 2012
- Where: Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA
- Who: Designed for Faculty and GIS/IT staff with an interest in using GIS for teaching and/or research in higher education. Although the workshop is oriented towards the undergraduate liberal arts curriculum, participants from any type of higher education institution are welcome and encouraged to attend.
**Information on cost, registration & how to submit papers and posters is coming soon**
Connecticut Geographic Alliance Meeting – March 22, 2012 from 4:30-6:30pm
For additional information contact:
Climate Impact, Mitigation, and Adaptation (CIMA) – March 26-29, 2012 at UConn Storrs
The University of Connecticut is hosting a series of presentations and events March 26-29, 2012 focused on Climate Impact, Mitigation, and Adaptation (CIMA): A Reflection of Our Future. Included below is a list of events and for more information visit the Climate Impact and Adaptation (CIMA) website at:
MONDAY – 26 MARCH 2012
Wilbur Cross, North Reading Room
Opening Ceremonies & Signing of Sustainability Commitment (3:00 to 5:00)
- President Susan Herbst, University of Connecticut
- Professor Gene Likens, Member of the National Academy of Sciences & Board of Trustees Distinguished Research Professor
- Commissioner Daniel Esty, CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Konover Auditorium, Dodd Center
Mark Hertsgaard (12:00 to 1:00)
“How ‘Generation Hot’ Can Fight Climate Change … and Win”
Bishop Center, Rooms 7A & 7B
Climate Impact Expo: Actions for Cool Communities (6:30 to 9:00)
Mark Hertsgaard Featured Speaker
“Inspiring Our Communities To Fight Global Warming”
Interactive Town Discussion: Local & Regional Climate Adaptation Strategies
Student Union, North Lobby
Interactive Eco-Footprint Exhibit (9:00 to 5:00)
Student Union, South Lobby
Research Presentations by Students & Faculty Members (9:00 to 5:00)
Student Union, Theater
Green Careers & Organic Agriculture Panel Discussion (3:00 to 4:00)
Konover Auditorium, Dodd Center – 4:00 to 5:30
Provost Peter Nicholls
“UConn’s Academic Plan & the Environment”
Dr. Michael Mann
“The Hockey Stick: On the Front Lines in the Climate Wars”
Art Exhibit – 19 MARCH to 22 APRIL 2012
Sustainability & Environmental Stewardship Art Exhibit – 19 March to 22 April – Stevens Gallery, Homer Babbidge Library